Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Flickin Channels

I love TV as much as the next person but what in the heck is going on with reality tv lately..or not so lately...Drama sells I suppose. You know its pretty bad when you can't tell the Alaskan fisherman from the Real Housewives of some city. The lumber jacks are acting like chainsaw wielding drama queens as well. Maybe those jackasses from OCC started it. Scream and yell and break a door. Just interesting how incredibly non creative the forces are in the TV executive world. Something sells and jump on the bandwagon. We can act like jackasses for 24 hours a day with inappropriate behavior but god help us if we show a nipple. A little nipple is what the world needs. That's me theory and I'm sticking to it. If we could combine 4 of these shows into 1 it might actually be interesting. I would put Brett Michaels on the Alaskan fishing boat and combine the lumberjacks with the real house bitches from some city. Maybe have Flavor Flav design a motorcycle shaped like a big ass clock....Who in the world can keep up with a Kardasssians? I think they should have to keep up with the rest of the world. Cheers!


Louis said...

Unfortunately, society is obsessed with crap. Just like all the gossip mags. Who’s doing who…who’s leaving who…who looks fat in a bathing suit…who’s too skinny? And, I’m so freaking tried of hearing about the Osmond’s. I should probably get out more, but there may be some good crap on tonight.

Stacey said...

John and I are pro-nipple as well.

Scott said...

I know JB/SB are pro nipple. Flying nipple would probably be more precise.