Monday, October 1, 2007

The Rocks

Went to a place Ellie used to hang out as a teenager. Its called, 'The Rocks'. I'm not sure how the rocks got there. I'm sure somebody knows but I don't. My legs where like rubber when I got back to the car. I will re-visit the rocks again.


Jeff Moser said...

Those rocks are pretty big, I'm thinking "God" put the there.

While you're taking some time off work, write a COBOL program. Solve the following problem:

Known: God Can do ANYTHING.

Question: Can God make a rock so big that he CAN'T move it?

Scott said...

I was thinking I might see a snake. Ellie mentioned 1 year the copperheads were particularly bad. Yikes!

If God-can-do-anything
perform watch-god-move-them
perform yes-he-can-move-them
perform must-have-been-the-devil

Jeff Moser said...

I think Copperheads are scarier than rattlesnakes. Probably because I've never seen one. Most rattlesnakes I've seen mind their own business.

Wow, you're good! Didn't even consider the devil...