Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jeremy Lusk

I was talking with Jeff earlier in the week about stunts and such and I mentioned how I couldn't believe none of the freestyle guys had been killed yet. That sport is extreme. Today at work another friend texted that Jeremy Lusk missed a trick and was killed. Now I don't know a thing about this guy but it got me thinking about fleeting life. I would imagine the guy lived it well for a 24 year old. Peace to him and his family.
Fleeting life spit out of me in 2 minutes...so here it is... People always say live each day like it's your last but who can do that. Can you ride your bicycle the same way for 100 miles as you could for 1 mile. I think not. So the question lies in balance.
Fleeting Life
going going gone
fleeting life
back flip ..slightly not
suicide bomber
fleeting life
never knowing
when, how, why
learn the rules and then
you go
finish the puzzle and it finishes you
fleeting life
never knowing
run, eat and hide
may just find
fleeting life
how much do you live
and how much do u save
nobody knows
nobody knows

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