A few months ago Brian and I were emailing back and forth about ideas for Helen's birthday. We kicked around Vegas and I thought, 'Come to Carson' and just that quick he got tickets for a long weekend here. So it was done. I picked them up late Thursday night and off to the Silver Legacy we went. As always the 1st night tends to run way into the next day and this was no exception. Helen fell out sometime in the middle of the night but Brian and I kept on going. He could do no wrong gambling. Roulette was the game of choice and Helen's bday was the 31'st so that ended up being the number of choice and boy did it win. I was even able to hit it a few times. B/H are die hard Steeler fans and wouldn't you know we ended at a table full of Cardinal fans. After some friendly trash talking Brian started a new plan. Put 100 bucks on the 3rd 12.(2 to 1 odds). He lost the 1st one to the Cardinal fans delight but not to worry. He spited them with the same bet and won and continued to win 4 more times while I was losing much smaller bets. We stumbled out of there and proceeded to search for food. It can be very confusing to navigate casinos that are connected when you've been drinking Newcastle and shots of Grand Marnier for 8 hours. After asking for directions a few times we made it back to the room with our shitty sandwiches. The casinos are not like they used to be in that at 6am they are completely dead and food is rare. After inhaling our shitty sandwiches Brian fell out and I stayed up for a bit talking to Helen. The kind of deep one sided talking that only occurs when 1 person is wound up drunk and the other is sober and has just been awakened. After a few hours sleep and room service we headed to the lake. We found some rocks in Sand Harbor to climb on and just played out in the sun for an hour. We hadn't gambled in at least 7 hours so it was time for some South Tahoe action. Nothing happening there so over Kingsbury Grade and back to CC for some pizza and rest. Saturday saw some hiking out behind the apt. I had to show them my hills. My training and thinking ground where I solve all the worlds problems...alone...Later they turned me on to IN @ Out burgers which were really good and since we were in south Carson I had to show them the Casino Fandango(my favorite place). At the CF I introduced them to Margo who is also my favorite bartender and we tried our hand at my old staple...Caveman Keno ...no luck and it was back to Roulette in which Brian proceeded to win again as I continued to lose. After the very 1st nite I commented how his wallet wouldn't close and mine was as skinny as a room key. We had reservations for Super Bowl Sunday at the new Tuscany Towers at the Peppermill. We checked in Sunday and found the casino to be filled with drunk folks. Not just drunk folks but drunk folks wound up on sports adrenaline. Since our room was so nice we watched the thing there in peace and quite. Afterwards we ventured down into the mayhem and found a nice quite bar or so it seemed. Shortly after we got comfortable a group of drunks came in. I kept hearing this dude saying really loud, 'uncle Brett...show me your guns'..over and over and over again.... and 30 minutes later I found myself telling one of them to get outta my space. He had dreamed up something to do with Helen not liking his buddy(uncle Brett ..with the guns)...shewwweee... Both Brian and I thought it best to leave so down to the casino floor we went where it wasn't too bad. In 20 minutes I won back all the money I had lost over the previous days and we even ran into Margo and her mom gambling in the same area. I have a picture of my wallet next to his and it was no longer a room key. So I'd like to thank the drunk guy that kept yelling, 'Show me your guns uncle Brett'...no less than 100 times. If not for that...who knows....So it was a successful, 'World Eraser' weekend as both Helen and Brian needed some downtime as they both have ailing parents and over they years they've helped me in time of need and in times of no need. They liked this area so much they will be back fo sho.....I know I'm lucky to be here but when my friends visit and are astounded by the beauty of the mountains and the debauchery factor it makes me feel even that much better. I think a smokey casino balances out the beautiful mountains perfectly.
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