Monday, February 1, 2010

Making Memories

-------- My Story----------------
To say I've been looking forward to getting outta dodge for a few days to see Brian/Helen would be an understatement. We had tickets to the Todd Snider show downtown and they arranged a hotel so we could just park the car and be close to everything. Everything was on time concerning my flight and such but what was even more on time was this: they secretly booked a ticket for Leslie and arranged the flights so she would arrive 1/2 an hour before me. As I'm hugging Brian at the airport Leslie appears out of the corner of my eye. Unbelievable!
The thing is, Brian/Helen have never met Les except for a few emails and some facebook chatting but you wouldn't have known it. She fit in like she always does. We were whisked away to a nice lunch spot where the beers began. Then off to our room at the Ritz which they upgraded to a suite. Place was bigger than my house. Then the show...Then this, that and the other. If I told you I'd have to kill you and we wouldn't want that. Mentioned this next thing to Leslie during the weekend. I've been having flashbacks to some unpleasant things lately. Lasts maybe 2-3 seconds and passes. Enough to jolt your head in a slightly kinda , 'I found a good deal in Walmart' way... and now seeing her at that airport was such a surprise it's added into the flashbacks. Now that is therapy that doesn't come in a pill. Everything went off nicely and I suffered my usual 1st day excitement hangover as everyone has come to expect. This one involved puking and I'm sorry to the people who own the places I puked at. I won't name names. I was in good company though as Les had a nasty cold and the weather was crappy. Being silly and hangin inside with people you love is better than almost any excursion I can think of anyway. It was nice that we got to meet Andy as well. D and Joey also came by for some pizza and squeaky toy action. The usual success with a bonus and now I'm left with the usual depression that lasts a few days and passes. Thanks again for making things so easy and giving us memories that won't be takin away just yet. Last but not least we decided to come up with our own magazine so keep an eye out for, 'Douchebag weekly'...It will feature folks we think have either nothing to offer or their douchebagness overrides anything good about them. 1st edition will feature John Mayer. 2nd edition will feature Google who want's more money just to upload some pics to their online picasa that suks ass and has known issues. So you will have to wait for the flicker photos to upload.

---------Leslie's Story------------
Leaving Las Dallas
This past weekend was surely special to me because I was able to see my brother after a year and he didn't know about it's plan. Scott's good bud, Brian and I started chatting online months ago occasionally and in December he came up with the idea to get me down to Dallas to meet them as they were set to see a Todd Snider show and this would be a surprise to Scott. I'd never met Brian nor his wife Helen but have heard great things about them for years. As buds they've been through a lot together and Scott has always held them in very high regard with big love in telling me about their adventures over time.

As we were working out details over weeks, I was scrambling to figure out cashflow and arrangements. Brian was working out the plane ticket one evening with me online, and when I went to give him my credit card, he just sent me the ticket already PAID and said “Buy me a beer”..That was all he said and all he wanted to chat about...OMG! He was short on words and long on getting it done with sweetness.

As the weeks got closer, we never planned how to surprise Scott in any details at the airport nor did we over-think it too much. Scott and I were talking once in awhile, but not that much... a few days before he left for Dallas I asked him again what he was doing.. He told me all the fun details he, Brian and Helen were gonna get into; he was so excited to get away from work and just be with them. I wrote Brian after I talked to Scott that night and said “HE HAS NOOO IDEA”.. I was getting more excited about it... as good, organized surprises with travel aren't always easy and this seemed to be a really good one.

So I landed in Dallas after having been blessed with 2 things: 1. Accidentally sitting in the wrong assigned seat and 2.... meeting a great dude in that seat who I hit it off with as we talked about cool stuff for a good hour or more... It was an immediate comfort.. awhile in the convo it turns out he regularly gets Acupuncture and he told me how much it's helped him in his life in wonderful detail, and also his kids who he turned onto it. We talked about lots of cool life stuff—even quite personal things easily as if we'd knew each other for much longer than a few hours. (Get 2 Fire CF's together and this comes easy) We stayed quiet and read the rest of the time. We said respectful goodbyes and I truly got some gifts from this man; was glad I met him cuz he's been through some darkness, turned it around and is a positive dude who is on a contagious mission to enjoy a happy, healthy life...what a great flying mate!

When I landed I got a few words via text from Brian about where to meet him and Helen.. we met, hugged our fast, first hellos and they swooped me up and drove through the maze of the airport to meet Scott at his gate that Brian had figured out brilliantly to work efficiently on time. As we were waiting for Scott, I wanted to hide behind a wall or something to give him time to see them. Suddenly, he was outside and the barely planned plan was thrown out .. They ran out to meet Scott on the street as I watched from a window about 50 feet away. And this was the coolest part to me.. I started walking toward them and I got to witness my brother greet his adored friends as a fly on the wall and take that moment in. I got the gift of paying attention to this moment. I got to see how happy he was living his life in that moment, and how happy they were to see him. As I walked closer my chest started burning because my heart broke open... As I got closer and looked at Scott, I was sure he would feel my gaze and find me—it felt like I was burning holes in his head, but because he wasn't looking for me, he didn't.

He looked so familiar as if I'd just seen him yesterday and I stayed a fly on the wall watching his happy face talk to his friends. Then I moved in and stood in their little circle and stared at him. When he saw me, he jumped back about 6 feet in shock. He couldn't compute it right away.. and when he did we hugged hard and then he yelled “This is my baaaaabbby sisssttterrrr!” to Brian and Helen as if they didn't know..hahahah. He hugged Brian..I was choked up the whole time... He was too a bit.

This moment was pure joy to me!

I miss Scott daily as he's the closest family I have left and we know each other better and deeper than anyone else. I think I keep that “missing” him underneath in my heart because I won't be able to see him much and I don't want to hurt too much. ...To be with him in this moment brought back every sense of Family and that kind of Love right back.. And being with Brian and Helen was just like family too; it was so comfortable as if we'd been friends for years.. it was so good and easy.

Waking up Saturday morning and looking for Scott in the house felt like I was 10 yrs old again on Christmas morning...and getting to the bottom of the steps to greet him already having coffee was oddly, probably the best part of all. And this could NOT have been if it weren't for Brian and Helen's thoughtfulness and gifting in planning this little weekend get together.

Brian and Helen did so much to create a great weekend.. I don't think I can repay them. We had at least 2 more blogs worth of fun, silliness, debauchery, good talks, good music and coziness all together. It was so special.... Suffice to say that I am deeply grateful for it all!

Cheers and Love to Brian, Helen and Scott for a great weekend!

The action


Brent said...

Sounds like an incredible weekend!!! ... and the Elvin Bishop song in the photo/video thread was mine and Sandie's song when we first fell in love...

magrei said...

Talk about creating fantastic memories.....that's so awesome.

Louis said...

Totally cool. Nice job Brian and Helen.