Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rare political rant from Mr Ignorance is Bliss

My turn to be Andy Rooney for a minute...And as Todd Snider says before his shows, 'This isn't to change anyones opinion as much as it is to ease mine'...but in my case its to remember how I felt at this point in time. But I usually feel like this around election time so really it's nothing new.

The time has come to turn the news completely off(if u already haven't) and watch reruns of your favorite sitcom. What's about to happen between 2 seemingly good people running for president will be a lot worse and less sincere than 2 monkeys at the zoo flinging shit on each other. I suppose its just the nature of the game but its almost as hard to watch as, 'You light up my life' at Tuesday night karaoke. When I come across anyone who seems to perpetuate the hate they hear on tv as if they personally had to clean one of John Mccains 10 houses or they were the victim of Barack Obamas lack of experience I wanna vomit. As if either one will run the country all by himself. Please! I would love to see the bumper sticker people have their lives investigated from top to bottom and see what it might be like to grow in the public eye. You can't ever change your stance as you get more information or else you're a trader. When was the last time in recent memory an Agnostic ran for office, recovering alcoholic or maybe just someone who might need anti-depressants to help with a chemical imbalance. Nooooooo....We can''t have that. We've created an environment where its almost impossible to make mistakes and run for public office but on the other hand when we didn't have instant media we still had a mess. And that mess is called humanity. Most of us are weak, egotistical, fragile, selfish, power hungry babies. We used to fight wars on elephants over 2200 years ago and now we use laser guided missiles. Has anything really changed. We'll fight a war for land or just because we need to cleanse the population of different ethnicity's. Obviously we'll even stoop so low as to fight a war for oil. I'm not sure but there are currently a lot of wars taking place. I'll take lack of experience over lack of judgement and severe lack of intelligence any day. I used to know a 10 year old who had better judgement than most adults. Humanity is flawed for sure but what can you do. I really don't have an answer for how you can get balanced information. No article ever written is done so from a purely neutral position but I think this far left and far right mentality is nauseating at best and at worst it perpetuates fear and hate. How can something as complicated as a persons brain-added life experiences come down to either, 'us or them'..'black or white'....or my favorite...'pro death' as it pertains to electing government officials. If your sole position in electing officials is abortion then you get what you got. You are somehow pro life, you probably attend some Christian Church and yet the carnage this war has what? Say it.....'pro death'...1 last thing, I wish the candidates would say, 'If elected I will try' as opposed to, If elected I will'....because there is a large group of people involved in the process of law making and most of the time they help decide where the bus is going.(not that it eases my mind...They recently drove the bus off a cliff in my opinion) I suppose what I'm feeling is that you far lefters and far righters should go to the zoo and get monkey poo slung in your general direction..That's if you can turn away from Hannity and Colmes long enough...I get that nobody will read this but maybe in 3 years when I re-read it I will think, 'What were you thinking'...So be it...and 1 other last last thing...For as much intolerance as I see in the general population it seems like we sure do tolerate a lot when it comes to our government. And therein lies the irony. And the last bit of irony is that whatever choice you make there are really powerful RICH monkeys behind the scenes taking care of THEIR business which really clouds the waters. Over and out...See ya at the zoo...........Gene Gene, I should have ran this by you on one of our Gambrill hikes. I had to go it alone this time.

this goes out to both parties...


Anonymous said...

scott, i didn't agree with very much of what you said, but at the same time i don't like what the world (not just the USA... that's too narrow!!!!!!) has become. it is a weird world really, the more technology we obtain, the further apart (isolated) we become. i think we need to change the law and be able to drive drunk so we can all go to the bar and get to know one another again.

gene said...

Dam>> Good rant considering you did not run it by be first. I feel your pain man. Like you said 1 person dose not run the goverment and even if someone with the best intentions gets the job the ploitical masss beat them down. I fell like the whole proces is going to hell. Anyway I am not voting and I will bitch about the gov as much as I want. We have been top dog for a long time, I figure at some point that will change for the worst.

Scott said...

after reconsidering i'm with anonymous.....

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ignorance is you really feel that you are ignorant? Seems that you have a good handle on what is going on in our country and political system. It has been my experience that the only thing that politicians fear is their loss of power...the only way to take their power is to become educated...confront them and others in office. Take what you learn of them and make their life talking. Talk to anyone about what you know regarding our government's wrong doing...find an audience and use that audience to make the change. Those politicians are not the change...we are..."rants" like yours are heard Scott. They are heard by many and can make a difference. If we do not hold "them" accountable...then who will??? Is not this countries complacency a large part of the problem????
