Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Get Lost - as featured in Bike Magazine

WE RIDE FOR MANY REASONS - FOR fun, for fitness, or as an excuse to enjoy the company of a few good friends. But mostly, we ride to escape-to escape the stasis of a life constructed around a 9-to-6 job; to escape the streets of suburbia; and, most importantly, to escape the expected.

On the trail, whether is traverses remote mountains or slices through local parks, anything is possible. Those slivers of dirt, the best of them not more than 18 inches wide, contain infinite possibilities. Each corner brings forth new risks, and new rewards, leading us further from home and deeper into the unknown. So we pray at the altar of dirt, and what we ask for most is an adventure.

Our sense of adventure leads us to local trails and distant destinations. But over the years, even those far-flung places--Fruita, Moab, Pisgah and Whistler--become mundane. Sometimes, another road trip to Utah has all the excitement of running to the grocery store. Even those of us who have never ridden Moab or Whistler have seen enough photos and YouTube clips to wash the excitement clean off those places. Written by Lou Mazzante
I would just like to add that riding the same trails 100 times can sound boring. There are, like Lou mentions above, new risks with each corner. So the progress of acquiring mtn biking skill is a never ending endeavor. As you age some things you never gave a 2nd thought about become things that require attention. Old bones don't heal as fast as young bones and there is that freeriding thing that I have respect for but it's just not something I care to subject my body too. I'd rather live to ride another day. The picture above was taken in the Lake Tahoe area when 11 of us did a loop that was partially new to most of us and best of all it had many aspects that make up a good day...Challenge, a bit of suffering, feeling of success and the camaraderie that goes along with knowing each and every one of us had to pedal the same 50 switchbacks that became harder with each turn. A few beers doesn't hurt either. So wether you search the world for new trails or ride your backyard singletrak it's all good.

ps....This is not the real reason some call me Rodeo.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice....... looks amazing.