Saturday, July 4, 2009

Heaven and Hell Part - Who knows.....

Today's heaven and hell theme will start with the idea of those born agains. The almighty born again fucking Christians who have somehow gone off path and feel such guilt that they need some sort of acceptance/forgiveness. The issue I have with this is that if its a simple matter of accepting Christ into your life then why does it matter how you live on earth? I'll tell you why ...Because regardless of Christ most of us have a conscience and that very thing that is implanted in us and makes us feel guilty for behavior that might not really be up to standards. So we pretend to accept this forgiveness and go on about spouting off about the glory of Christ when all I'm really seeing is a motherfucker's who's guilty of making some mistakes in this life and not doomed to hell for it. Leave Christ out of it and live your life! And the funny thing is most born agains don't believe in reincarnation. Go figure. My theme for the month has nothing to do with anything other than Heaven and Hell. I'm not pissed at any Idol Worship that may see you get thru another day. I am pissed at all of the fearful folk who think they may burn in hell for being created by a creator who supposedly created us in his image. Happy Independence Day!


les said...

I am pissed at all of the fearful folk who think they may burn in hell for being created by a creator who supposedly created us in his image.

Original Sin.. dirty, lost souls who need a soul-washing so they can keep on being human and making the usual mistakes.. BUT without the fear of damnation. It's much like a credit card to Heaven!

Scott said...

I just wonder in what venue do humans ever ever give another a free pass to somebody who doesn't deserve it. Most of us have accountability systems that we base our behavior on. Sometimes its pure conscience or sometimes it's friends/family or bosses. Job promotions come to mind 1st. The second somebody gets a position they think they should have gotten it's at least a weeks worth of listening to the non-promoted bitch and cry. Sports...Please... Somehow we're supposed to sign off on this salvation thing that goes against every grain/gene in our dna. I stopped playing mens softball years ago because of the moaning and groaning about small crap. "I should be batting 4th, not Joe Schmo..He hasn't gotten a hit in a week." and on and on it goes. The stories I've heard over the years concerning organized sports for kids are even worse. Parents sometimes killing each other over a simple idea of their kid not getting a fair shake at something. So kill you're neighbor over something that wasn't fair and turn around and ask for forgiveness and that is somehow supposed to makes sense to whom? 1 last rememberance is that I also have been walking in city streets where homeless/bums or whatever have been asking for money. Do you realize how angry that makes some people? Get a fucking job they scream without knowing 1 thing about this person. I once gave a guy 5 bucks and he offered me his jacket. He didn't realize I was just running into the bar for Happy Hour. So these are my thoughts and I know most of you are sick of them but this is my blog and you're free to start your own.

Jon said...

Amen Brother, and I don't mean it religously. Can I say that? oh well I did...The church of football will never let you down...and only 9 months a year!!

jim g said...

love for everything everyone

respect for everything everyone

acceptance of everything everyone

honor everything everyone

i think thats a sure ticket to a good whatever happens next, as for the rest of them , maybe they could try the religious part, but not forget the above part

Gary said...

Amen brother!
