Saturday, July 25, 2009

Up up and away...1st furlough day.

Friday was my 1st furlough day and I thought I didn't want to waste it although I'm not a huge believer that doing anything you're into at the time is a waste.So I started the day by dropping a full container of coffee all over the kitchen floor. I decided I wanted to ride my mtn bike from my house and climb to Spooner Summit and make my way back. I was armed with 2 water bottles - 1 of which I lost early on, a camera and no real agenda. I put the mp3 on random and it was amazing how many good songs it seemed to pick.I took a ton of photos just to show the elevation gain more than anything else. I made a little slide show to a song my sister had sent to me during more difficult times. So the song lives under less difficult times and gives some of the pics a little more life. Thank you sister for giving me meaningful songs over the years that kept me clawing my way forward. For the 2 of you who check on me you have a choice of either looking at the pics or checking out the slide show/music vid.
(my slideshow vid) (just the pics)


Brent said...

Absolutely LOVED the slide show! The song is a great accompaniment... nice.

Scott said...

Thanks brother..

Brockhead said...

Hells yeah the music link for sure.

Thank you for allowing me to accompany you on your journey brother.

westyman said...

Scott, thanks so much for sharing the amazing vistas with those of us still 'stuck' in the HHH of the east.